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Here's some references on how to format the .csv file properly.

For more advanced details on game behaviour, visit our Google Code wiki. Useful pages will be Batting Anatomy, Pitching Anatomy, and Proposed Equations.


Column Details
:(batters)DONT CHANGE Represents the team ID number. To see what team corresponds with the team ID, scroll down in the .csv file to the :(team_params) section.
lineup# DONT CHANGE Lineup number. Probably best not to change this. Exported for clarity, but changing the values might break the import (until we properly validate that input).
Name Player name. Max 8 characters. Numbers, period (.), and upper/lower case numbers are valid.
Stance Batting stance. 0=Righty, 1=Lefty.
BA Batting average. Valid range: 111 to 366 (don't include a decimal). Purely cosmetic (displayed in-game); no effect on gameplay.
HR Home runs. Valid range: 0 to 99. Purely cosmetic (displayed in-game); no effect on gameplay.
Contact Valid range: 0 to 100. Contact rating is subtracted from a hitter's power when he is not perfectly aligned with a pitch. Therefore, a higher contact rating results in more bad hits, more often. A lower contact rating results in more good hits. Note of interest: the original RBI 3 developers appeared to have correlated this parameter with batting average.
Power Valid range: 0 to 1100 (technically it can go higher but it will break the game mechanics). Power is the measure of how hard players will hit the ball. If set close to 0, hitters will not be able to hit the ball. Recommend using existing values in the .csv as a guide for good ranges. Note of interest: the original RBI 3 developers appeared to have correlated this parameter with home runs.
Speed Valid range: 0 to 255. This affects a hitter's baserunning speed, and possibly their fielding speed (not confirmed). At 0, a player will crawl, and at 255 they will be The Flash. Recommend minimum speed of 120 and max speed of 160 for playability.
Fielding 0=Catcher (C ), 1=Infield (I), 2=Outfield (O). Cosmetic; we don't think it affects gameplay.
Switch Switch Hitter 1=yes 0=no. A switch hitter arrives at the plate in his default batting stance (4th parameter).


Column Details
:(pitchers)DONT CHANGE Represents the team ID number. To see what team corresponds with the team ID, scroll down in the .csv file to the :(team_params) section.
lineup# DONT CHANGE Lineup number. Probably best not to change this. Exported for clarity, but changing the values might break the import (until we properly validate that input).
Name Player name. Max 8 characters. Numbers, period (.), and upper/lower case numbers are valid.
Sinker Valid range: 0-15. When throwing a sinker (up+A), a value of 0 means it will float over the plate 100% of the time. A value of 15 means a sinker will hit the plate 100% of the time.
Stance Valid range: 0-3. 0 = Righty overhand, 1 = Lefty overhand, 2 = Righty sidearm, 3 = Lefty sidearm.
ERA Valid range: 1.38 - 7.76. Cosmetic only - does not affect gameplay. You can enter any ERA you want, and our Python script will round it to the nearest number in the ERA lookup table (see here and improvement issue here.
SinkSpd Valid range: 0-255. Sinker pitch (up+A) speed. Glitchy in really low ranges, crazy in really high ranges.
RegSpd Valid range: 0-255. Regular pitch (A, left+A or right+A) speed. Glitchy in really low ranges, crazy in really high ranges.
FastSpd Valid range: 0-255. Fastball pitch (down+A) speed. Glitchy in really low ranges, crazy in really high ranges.
LCurve Valid range: 0-15. 0 means no left curve, 15 means spectacular left curve.
RCurve Valid range: 0-15. 0 means no right curve, 15 means spectacular right curve.
Stamina Valid range: 0-255. Straight/Curveball uses 1 Stamina, Fastball/Sinker consumes 2 stamina. At 0, Sinker/Regular/Fastball/Curve Ability values degrade quickly. Most starters in RBI 3 have 48-52 stamina, most closers have ~15 stamina.
CPU1, CPU2 These fields affect the behaviour of a CPU-controlled pitcher in a 1-player game. We aren't sure how they work - hop on the Dee-Nee forums to see if they've figured it out. In the default .csv file, they are the default values from the original.

Team Parameters

Column Details
:(team_params)TeamID DONT CHANGE Exported for your convenience, changing them will break the import process (currently).
Initials DONT CHANGE Exported for your convenience, changing them does nothing (yet).
OutlineCol(00-3F) Change the colour of the team uniform outline. Valid range is 00(hex) to 3F(hex). See this table on Wikipedia for valid colours.
PantsCol(00-3F) Change the colour of the team uniform pants - for Player 2 only (home team). The away team's pants default to gray. Valid range is 00(hex) to 3F(hex). See this table on Wikipedia for valid colours.
JerseyCol(00-3F) Change the colour of the team uniform main colour. Valid range is 00(hex) to 3F(hex). See this table on Wikipedia for valid colours.
TeamErrorPct The percentage of time for a given team will fumble the ball while fielding. Valid range: 0-100 (percent).

ROM Year

Column Details
:(ROM_year) Digit 1 (0-9) Valid range: 0-9. Make this 1, and make the other digit 4, and the team select screen will use the year "14".
Digit 2 (0-9) Valid range: 0-9.

Need more help?

If something's not working as you expect, please submit an issue to our Google Code issue tracker. Please be as detailed as possible, and we'll take a look at it. We love classic RBI Baseball as much as you do, and we want this to work!